On September 17th, 2023- Rain City Drive performed at the New Brookland Tavern headlining side shows on their off days from the Dance Gavin Dance "The Jackpot Juicer US Tour" with special guests "Sunbreak" , "Parris Bridge" , and "Within Destruction"
Rain City Drive taken in the pit @New Brookland Tavern
Sunbreak taken from the photo pit
Sunbreak opened for the Rain City Drive show and captivated the whole crowd with their performance!
Parris Bridge taken in the photo pit at @New Brookland Tavern
Who needs pit security when the vocalist of Parris Bridge helps with crowd surfers and making sure they make it safely onto the stage?
Parris Bridge had the most crowd surfers out of all the bands that performed during the night!
Within Destruction taken in the photo pit @New Brookland Tavern
Rain City Drive taken in the photo pit @New Brookland Tavern
The crowd screamed "encore encore" and Matt came out and performed an acoustic song